2014-06-22(日)(1)新宿御苑 - Shinjuku Gyoen

家の近くのマンション。タイルと階段の設計がとても気に入ります ^_^
A mansion near my house. The tiling and the design of the staircase have pulled my attention.

Again, the sense of scale is aresome here.

グー グルで家から新宿御苑へのルートを検索すると、グーグルが電車の乗り場間違いました!実はオレンジ色のところは副都心線の入口で、ラベルのところは都電の 鬼子母神前駅です。ここははじめて来たから、最初はグーグルによって鬼子母神前駅に行きました。。。なんか変だと思ったので、もう一度副都心線の入口を探 してみた。。。
I searched the route from my home to Gyoen on Google, but Google had messed up the place to get into the station ! In fact, the orange rectangle is the entrance of the Fukutoshin Line, but the labeled place is Kishibojinmae Station of the Toei Streetcar (Toden) Arakawa Line. Because it's my first time there, I went to the Kishibojinmae first... but I felt very weird then and searched again for the right entrance...

Then, got off at Shinjuku Sanchome heading towards Gyoen.

Hi-Tech ticket! Using QR Code

私の苑内ルート。 - 我的苑内路线。 - My route inside Gyoen.

Due to heavy rain, it's hard to see people inside...I myself actually love raining more than sunny days. I personally am never concerned with raining, even a downpour...

でもね。。。歩けるところはなかった。。。どこでも泥沼になって、大変でした TT
但是,连能走的地方都没有了。。。呵呵。。哪里都是泥潭,真的很惨 TT
Well, however, I couldn't find a place to put my feet on when I was walking... It's muddy everywhere.

Japan and France always cares about the shape and form of the plants, trimming and pruning all the time, but UK is different. Well, of course, they also do trimming and gardening stuff, but because of Romanticism, plants in a lot of parks seem "natural" in a way even they are attended by human beings. I personally prefer the English style.

実 は私新海誠の大ファンなんで、言の葉の庭も一度観ましたが、先月(9月)まで御苑はロケ地なんて全然知りませんでした!!一部のロケ地の写真を撮ったが、 これも偶然です。。。あの有名の東屋は行けなかった。。。ちょっと残念。。。正直、あの時雨が強くて、一度あっちに行って雨宿りしようと思ったんですが、 あっちはもう男三人いたので、さすがに無理な気がしました。結局行けなかった。。。もしこの前にあっちがロケ地と分かったらこのチャンスを絶対逃がしない と思うが。。。あの時映画のように雨も降ってたしね。。。
其实我是新海诚的粉,也曾经看过言叶之庭,不过在上个月(9月份)之前我完全不知道御苑 是其拍摄地!!虽然拍了一部分场景的照片,不过真的是偶然。。。那个有名的东屋没去成。。。有点遗憾。。。说实在的,那个时候雨下大了,想过去那里躲雨 的,不过那里已经坐了三个男的,实在感觉不妥当。结果没去成。。。要是我早知道那是拍摄地我绝对不会放过那个机会的。。。当时还下着和电影里一样的雨 呢。。。
I'm a fan of Makoto Shinkai and have watched the The Garden of Words. However, I didn''t know that Gyoen is the background location of the movie untill last month (September). Although I took some photos of the places in the movie, that's 100% coincident...I didn't get to that most famous Azumaya, it's a shame..To be honest, it was raining hard at that time and I actually thought about going there for shelter. But there were already 3 men sitting there that I felt a little bu=it uncomfortable joining them... If I knew that was THE place, i would never have missed this chance...It was raing just like in the movie...

Old people in China usually dance or playing chess in the park, but rarely do sktching or painting, especially in a rainy day, which is so special and beautiful here.

One more photo of interesting staircases. The building is seen from the exit of Gyoen.