2014-06-15(日)(4)FCGビル(フジテレビ本社ビル)-富士产经集团大楼(富士电视台总部大楼)-Fuji Broadcasting Center(Fuji TV Headquarters Building),アクアシティお台場-台场Aquacity-Aquacity Odaiba

Rinkai Line Shinonome Station, few people...

Getting off at Tokyo Teleport Station and you will immediiately find the multi-storey parking garage of the DiverCity Tokyo Plaza, looking very eco-friendly and trendy, capacity of 1400 cars.

FCGビル(フジテレビ本社ビル) - 丹下健三・都市・建築研究所。メタボリズムの物が大好きです!都市規模の巨大構造体(メガストラクチャー)未来の世界へ!
富士产经集团大楼(富士电视台总部大楼) - 丹下健三都市建筑研究所。新陈代谢派最喜欢了!都市规模的巨大构造体(巨型结构)向着未来世界!
Fuji Broadcasting Center(Fuji TV Headquarters Building) - Kenzo Tange Associates. Metabolism is my favourate! To me, megastructures of urban scale is the most ideal world in the future!

ア クアシティお台場のメディアージュ。夜景は最高ですが、デートスポットなので、一人で行ったら本当にすごい違和感を感じます。。。自分の居場所がないって 思っちゃう。。。でも付き合ってくれる友達がいないからしょうがない、一人で夜景を見ながら写真をたくさん撮りました、泣きそうTT
The Mediage of Aquacity Odaiba. The night view is fantastic, but because it is also a date spot, you will feel very unconfortable if you go there alone...You don't have any sense of belonging there...Well, since no friend could come with me, I ended up with enjoying the view by myself, and took a lot of photos. Want to cryTT